Category Archives: Oil Pastels

Derwent Art Academy Lesson 6

Today I completed the final lesson of the Derwent Art Academy course.

This time it required the use Oil Pastels and Sgraffito technique to produce a painting.

Size A5 (6"x8") 21/01/2014

Size A5 (6″x8″)

I really enjoyed doing this and will definitely use the technique as part of a Mixed Media painting in the future.


Derwent Art Academy – 3 Classes Done 3 To Go!

I decided to sign up to the online Derwent Art Academy course, once you complete the 6 classes and graduate you receive a certificate from the Academy and a tin of Derwent pencils!

I am really enjoying it, I’ve only completed 3 classes so far, they are great fun to do.  When you submit each of your drawings you receive an email and then the next lesson is unlocked.

I have posted my submissions under the Practice Pieces tab, why don’t you sign up and have a go yourself!