Monthly Archives: January 2013

Flowers – Wet-in-Wet Watercolour Technique & Masking Fluid

Today we learnt how to paint flowers using a wet-in-wet technique and using lots of masking fluid.

I decided to use a reference photograph of a Poppy that I had taken some time ago, after doing the initial loose under-drawing, I then used Masking Fluid to mask out the entire flower.  Once, completely dry I then put on the background using the wet-in-wet technique. 

Once, the background was dry I was able to take the Masking Fluid off, revealing the start white of the flower.

I didn’t get a chance to finish it today so, I’ll take it to my next lesson and finish it off whilst, starting a new painting.

Colour Mixing Exercises

Today was all about colour and colour mixing.  It was great fun mixing up various colours and seeing how colours can convey moods and what moods evoke colours.  My eyes have definitely been opened to seeing more colours in my daily life and to take a fresh look at the world around me.

First Day Of A New Term

Today’s lesson was an observation of musical instruments.  I decided to do an Electric Guitar in charcoal.  Unfortunately, due to being a bit rusty, not using charcoal for a long time and the angle of the guitar I was really unhappy with the final result.

I am going to try and fix the problems or even completely re-do it before I post it.  I don’t feel I would be doing the subject justice if I post it now. 

I am fully aware than not every drawing/painting is going to be a “master piece” but, I don’t feel I really want to post my “failures” for everyone to see.

Every drawing/painting is a learning experience and I definitely learnt a lot today, and I did enjoy the process even if I was really unhappy with the end result.